Warm up: 400m run or 500m row 3 rounds 20 single unders 10 barbell deadlifts 5 barbell push jerks 2 skin the cats WOD: A. EMOM for 12minutes: clean & jerk B. *2min AMRAP CTB pull ups *2min AMRAP T2B *buy in of 5 C&J @ 155/105 on each AMRAP Powerlifting: A1. 3 x 5 high bar back squat @ 88% 1RM, rest 3 minutes A2. 3 x 5 weighted pull ups (work up to a max), rest 3 minutes B1. 3 x 10 reverse hypers, rest 30 seconds B2. 3 x 10 DB press, rest 30 seconds