For Time: (8min cap)
1000m Row for LeaderBoard!* or 800m Run for LeaderBoard!* or 2.5km A-Bike
MainSite WOD (RX+) For Reps:
3min Chest to Bar RX+Muscle-ups MRX Pull-ups
3min Strict Press 95/65 RX+135/95 MRX 65/35
2min Chest to Bar RX+Muscle-ups MRX Pull-ups
2min Strict Press
1min Chest to Bar RX+Muscle-ups MRX Pull-ups
1min Strict Press
Core & Guns Development
50 Barbell Curls
50 Overhead Barbell Extensions
25 Plate Hammer Curls
25 Overhead Plate Extensions
50 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Curls (alt arms/25ea)
4:21 bike
76 rx
A. 3:33 🚴♂️
B. 63 scaled life (115, burpee c2b)
C. 📚
1k row: 2:38:7
89 reps rx (strict c2b: 15-10-5; strict press: 33-18-8)
3:28.7 *
A. Bike – 4:10
B. 58 total reps rx+
Rogie looking strong, representing the 5am club 💪
4:40 row
99 reps Rx
A. Row 3:18.7
B. 110 RX
A. 2:49 Assault Runner
B. 90 RX+
25 RMU / 30 SP
9 RMU / 14 SP
6 RMU / 6 SP
3:46 row
43 RX+
rmu: 15-10-5
strict press: 6-5-2
A) 3:53 🚲
B) 42 Rx+ Rings (10, 12, 5, 6, 4, 5)
3:48 row
50 Rx+
3:40 Bike
68 Rx+
(RMU 25 – 15 – 6)
(SP 12 – 6 – 4)
85 rx+
20 RMU/ 22 SP
12 RMU/ 13 SP
7 RMU/ 11 SP
3:32 bike
83 Rx+ RMU
Rogie looking mean and putting in work! Of course, that couldn’t be further from the truth, as this guy happens to be one of the nicest people you’ll be lucky enough to meet. He shows up early with a great attitude and friendly disposition, and he pushes himself with smart but intense effort. Keep after it, Rogie!
A. 4:39 bike
B. 58 RX+
Rogie! This guy starts off every day at CFHSV with the same intensity and focus he’s showing in this picture! He is always a friendly face and a staple in the morning classes. Awesome guy and athlete!
A. 4:07 (row)
B. 76 (scaled to push-ups and bar muscle ups)