Partner-assisted Handstand practice
21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups
10 minutes of ankle strengthening and mobility drills
Post time to comments.
Below is the final list of Candidates for our Athlete Committee. Voting will begin on December 7th and last through the end of that week!
Women’s social coordinator nominees: Emily Davis, Katie Glasscock, Penelope Smith
Men’s social coordinator nominees: Brian Strickland, Garrett Davis, Joe Carlucci, Tye Abell
Competitive events coordinator nominees: Christy Bergin, Kevin Lowe
Community rep nominees: Ryan Penton, Penelope Smith
New member welcomer nominees (3 positions available): Benjamin Jarrell, Carson Wakefield, Christy Bergin, Emily Davis, Kerri Wellendorf, Robert Simmons, Stacey Penton
President: Amanda Jarrett, Robert Simmons, Stacey Penton
And one last question for them: In your opinion, what is the aspect of our gym that you like the most?