Warm-up: 10 minutes of active ROM shoulder stretching followed by flexibility/mobility drills
Workout: Resting 60 seconds between sets: Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Post load(s) to comments. Compare to 110411. A. 3 x 20 Unbroken Ring dips. Rest as needed between sets to ensure they are unbroken B. Ring FLR for 200 seconds. Use as many sets as needed to reach 200 seconds.
Cool-down: Spend remaining class time with a trigger point ball to the triceps!
Powerlifting: A1. Bench Press 4 x 5-6 @20×1; Rest 2:00 A2. 20 Unbroken pull-ups x 4; Rest 2:00 B. Thrusters 5 x 5 @10×0; Rest 3:00 C1. Kettlebell Snatch 3 x 10/arm; Rest 30 seconds between arms C2. HSPU 3 x AMRAP; Rest 1:00
“Dedication to Training With CrossFit BC Island”, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] “The Elk Hunt” with Dan Staton by Again Faster Equipment – video [wmv] [mov]