WOD: A. Clean & Jerk 3-2-1-1-1 E3MOM B. Complete 30 reps of the following complex for time of: 1 power clean to front squat, or squat clean to shoulder to overhead to back squat to shoulder to overhead Perform this at a tough but accomplishable weight males: 225/205/185/165/135/115/95 females: 155/135/115/105/95/85/75/65 *score is time and weight used* CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 1:1 Ladder Intervals 45 seconds on, 45 seconds off, 1:30 on, 1:30 off, 3 minutes on, 3 minutes off, 6 minutes on, 6 minutes off, 3 minutes on, 3 minutes off, 1:30 on, 1:30 off, 45 seconds on, 45 seconds off rest 6 minutes, then TEAM WOD…to be revealed after run meet at Randolph track at 6pm