WOD: A. Push Press to Split Jerk Clusters: E2MOM for 3 sets/6 minutes: 4 push press to 2 split jerks (alternate legs) rest 2 minutes, adjust weights E2MOM for 3 sets/6 minutes: 2 push press to 1 split jerk rest 2 minutes, adjust weight 6 minutes to build up to a max split jerk B. 6 minute AMRAP of: 4 shoulder to overhead 155/105 RX+ 205/140 (55 and over 115/75) 7/5 barbell push-ups 45 double unders rest 3 minutes 4 minute AMRAP of: 2 shoulder to overhead 155/105 RX+ 205/140 (55 and over 115/75) 5/3 barbell push-ups 30 double unders Score = total rounds and reps completed for each AMRAP listed separately Friday Night FIGHT WOD! This Friday, November 20 at 515pm!Sign up on MBO to reserve your spot! This will be OPEN style, so athletes will be responsible for warming up on their own. We will brief the WOD at 515pm and give heat assignments. Reminder that the 515pm and 615pm regular classes are canceled. Childcare WILL be available from 5pm-730pm.Come FIGHT it out CFHSV!BLACK: 15 minute AMRAP of: 25 deadlift 275/185 50 box jump overs 24″/20″ 75 WBS 20/14 10’/9′ 100 double unders 10 muscle-ups **there will be a tie break time taken after the double unders**BLUE: 15 minute ARMAP of: 25 deadlifts 185/125 50 box step overs 24″/20″ 75 WBS 20/10 10’/9′ 150 single unders 10 pull-ups **there will be a tie break time after the single unders**RED Masters 55+: 15 minute AMRAP of: 20 deadlift 155/105 40 box step overs 20″ 60 WBS 20/10 9′ 40 double unders 10 pull-ups **there will be a tie break time taken after the double unders**