Back Squat Build-Up E3MOM
5 x 5
For Time: (20min cap)
800m Run/Row or 2k Bike
40 Back Squats 75/55lbs RX+95/65 MRX 55/35
600m Run/Row or 1.5k Bike
30 Front Squats
400m Run/Row or 1k Bike
20 Back Squats
200m Run/Row or 0.5k Bike
10 Front Squats
Core & Squat Development
5 Skin the Cats
20 Cossack Squats (alt)
5 Skin the Cats
20 Double KB Front Rack Lunges (alt)
5 Skin the Cats
20 Pistols (alt)
5 Skin the Cats
1min Wall Iron Chair Sit Holding Weight plate
Saturday, May 28th: “MURPH” at 9am
All other classes are canceled. We will not have childcare.
Sunday, May 29th & Monday, May 30th: closed
Happy Memorial Day CFHSV!