CONGRATULATIONS to all our event winners from our Anniversary Celebration this weekend! Bench Press & Muscle Ups (Bar or Ring) E2MOM 7 Bench Press – Muscle-ups 1-10 reps 6 Bench Press – Muscle-ups 1-10 reps 5 Bench Press – Muscle-ups 1-10 reps 4 Bench Press – Muscle-ups 1-10 reps For Time: Buy-In = Run or Row 800m or 2km Assault Bike Then 21-15-9 reps of: Barbell Push-ups MRX Push-ups Power Cleans 135/95 RX+ 155/105 MRX 115/75 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups MRX Pull-ups Cash-Out = Run or Row 800m or 2km Assault Bike **Athletes choose either to do the buy-in or cash-out. They only perform one, either the buy-in or cash-out**
YOGA is canceled tonight.