Death by Burpees and KBS for 10min:
With a running clock perform 1 Burpee and 1 Kettlebell Swings the 1st min, 2 Burpees and 2 KBS the 2nd min, 3… 3… and so on, add 1 Burpee and 1 Swing each min. If you can’t keep up sit out a min and jump back.
Team WOD
16min AMRAP:
12 Alternating Hang Power Snatch 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55
8 in Unison Back Rack Lunges (alt legs)
16 Partner Passing Wallball Sit-ups 20lbs MRX 14lbs
200m Row & 200m Run (1 Athlete Runs 200m the Other Athlete Rows 200m then switch next round)
Core Development:
30 Hip Extensions w/1sec pause at top
30 V-Ups
30 Barbell or Banded Good Morning