3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run (1 round) – 400m Row (1 round)
100 Doubles / 1km A-Bike (1 round)
*Athletes Choice on which round*
21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12
12 Pull-Ups RX+ Chest to Bar
Rest 3min
For Time:
400m Single KB 24/16 RX+32/24
**Weight must be carried below shoulders (NOT on shoulders), i.e. farmers carry or belly/bear hug or hang carry**
Penalty for setting weight down = 10 push- ups or 5 burpees
Core Development
25 Hip Extensions
1min L-Sit Hang on Pull-up Bar or Rings
50 Barbell or Banded Good Mornings