Hang Squat Clean Build-up E3MOM
9 – 6 – 4 – 2 – 1
3min AMRAP:
6 Over the Bar Burpees
3 Squat Cleans
3 Hang Squat Cleans
Rest 2min
3min AMRAP:
Row or Bike for Calories
Rest 2min
3min AMRAP:
6 Hang Squat Cleans
12 Box Jumps
Barbell Loads = 115/75 RX+135/95 MRX75/55
Box Heights = 24/20” RX+30/24” MRX 20/18”
**Athletes choice on order of AMRAPs**
Core & Squat Development
25 Cossack Squats (Left leg)
50 GHD Sit-ups
25 Cossack Squats (Right leg)
50 Hip Extensions
50 Reverse Walking Lunges
CrossFit Huntsville will be hosting the Burgener Weightlifting Course this Saturday, July 27th and Sunday, July 28th. We will have ONE CLASS ONLY on Saturday at 7:30am. We will NOT have childcare. All other classes are cancelled on Saturday, and all classes as well as Open Gym are cancelled on Sunday.
Rx, order: 3rd, 1st, 2nd:
2+10, 3+1, 63 (row)
2+6/34 bike/2+2 rx
2+10/51/2 rx and row
A. 115(9) -145(6)-195(4)-225(2)-245
2+6, 62 (row), 2+6 RX
Order: 1st, 3rd, 2nd
A. 195 PR!
B. In order RX+
40 cal
A. Hang Squat Clean: 245
B. 2 Rx / 52 cal row / 1 + 6 Rx
Rx+, order: 3rd, 1st, 2nd:
3+4, 4+2, 63 (bike)
A: 115(9)-145(6)-195(4)-235-260
B: Order: 1st, 3rd, 2nd
3+7, 2+17, 37cals (RX, Bike)
Now that’s one perfect father/daughter duo! You can see the love and pride that Michael has for his daughter every time they walk through the door. It’s been so awesome to have Mary Ceil join us this summer and with her athleticism the sky is the limit! I have no doubt that CrossFit will be key component in her high school sports journey. I look forward to watching her grow as a CrossFitter and I love watching her and her dad throw down together!
4+4 / 59 / 3+0 Rx+ order: 3-1-2
3+7, 2, 64(row) +
Jeans are running a little small these days or are they just right? 🤔 Love da volume on da legs.