15min Build-up to a 1RM Snatch
Open WOD 23.3
Start with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 Wall walks
50 Double-unders
15 Snatches (weight 1)
5 Wall walks
50 Double-unders
12 Snatches (weight 2)
***If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups MRX Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
50 Double-unders
9 Snatches (weight 3)
***If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups MRX Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
50 Double-unders
6 Snatches (weight 4)
RX = 95/65lbs, 135/95, 185/125, 225/155lbs
MRX = 65/45lbs, 95/65, 115/75, 135/85lbs
Core Development
1min GHD Sit-up hold (straight out)
20 GHD Sit-Ups
1min Hip Extension Hold (straight out)
20 Hip Extensions
A. Training (built up to 155)
B. 2 rnds scaled life (rx weight and movements but not time)
C. 📚
192 reps (2+55; 15 DU away from 185 bar)
3/6/23: 207 reps; 4:48 tie break
3/4/23: 209 reps; 4:51 tie break
3/3/23: 207 reps; 5:10 tie break
2/12/24: 181 reps (2+44; 26 DU away from 185 bar)
2 rounds +76 reps (Scaled: Inch worms, single unders, pushups, weight: 65, 75, 85)
245 squat
3+ 30 rx
2+71 Rx
A. 180
B. 2+16 Rx
Yesterday’s Workout –
A: Run – 0:34, 0:33, 0:33
B: 18.1 – 10+18, RX (run)
2 + 70 RX
140 PR squat
2+70 RX
185 squat
3+70 Rx
1 + 62 rx