WOD: A. 2 push press to 1 split jerk E2:30MOM for 5 sets B. 3 speed rounds for time of: 7 push press 115/80 RX+ 7 HSPU (55 and over 95/65) 14 box jumps or step ups 24″/20″ RX+ 28″/24″ (55 and over 20″/18″) 7 hand release push-ups RX+ring dips 14 box jumps or step ups 24″/20″ RX+ 28″/24″ (55 and over 20″/18″) rest 2 minutes between rounds Score = Total Time minus 4 minutes of rest Cool Down: 30 GHD sit-ups or 50 Military ab-mat anchored sit-ups Please note that YOGA is canceled this week. Register NOW for the 2014 CrossFit Games Open! Choose CFHSV as your affiliate and join our CrossFit Huntsville TEAM!