5 minutes – work on external rotation of the legs and hips
10 minutes – work up to a heavy set of 3 back-squats
Tag-team. With a continually running clock, athlete 1 performs as many sit-ups as possible in 30 seconds, while athlete 2 performs as many Burpee pull-ups as possible. After 30 seconds have elapsed, each athlete switches and repeats. Continue this for 10 minutes. The team with the highest total rep-count at wins.
10 minute squat test ( ok, maybe not the whole 10 minutes, but at least go longer than you have before!)
Post Back squat load, team, and number of rounds completed to comments.
Four-Block Thanksgiving Dinner by Martha Burton – video [wmv] [mov] and [pdf]
Question of the Day- What’s the part of your Thanksgiving meal you are most looking forward to? What’s the part you are most hoping to avoid?… this could be food, conversation, or even certain people…