Power Snatch & Hang Power Snatch E2MOM
4 Power Snatch – 4 Hang Power Snatch
2 Power Snatch – 2 Hang Power Snatch
1 Power Snatch – 1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Power Snatch – 1 Hang Power Snatch
Team WOD
“Your Turn, My Turn” by DB
18min AMRAP:
2 Power Snatch 115/75 RX+ 135/95 MRX 95/65
3 Hang Power Snatch
4 Pull-Ups RX+Chest to Bar MRX Ring Rows
5 Box Jumps 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ MRX 20/18″
*One person works and completes a full round, one person rests and then switches. *Athletes must slap hands to switch and start next round. Each time an individual completes a round it counts as a round for the team total
Core & Snatch Development
25 Right Knee to Left Elbow Plank Tucks
25 Barbell or PVC Sotts Press (snatch grip)
25 Left Knee to Right Elbow Plank Tucks
25 Evil Wheels
Riley working hard and wearing that bike out. Riley joined us with plenty of CrossFit already under his belt, and he’s continued to put in the work with consistent effort and attitude. He’s a super pleasant guy with a friendly disposition, and it’s been great getting to know him and have him as part of our community. He trains hard and smart, and regardless of what he’s doing, he’s always working hard. Keep it up, Riley!
A. 95-115-135-155 (Slick, So Safety Session)
B. 15+4 rx+ w/ Michael
C. 📚
Go Riley!!!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
Riley! This guy is not scared of the bike. In fact, he makes it look easy. Riley hasn’t been with us long, but he has fit right in since walking through the door. He is kind and comes to us with experience. He knows himself as an athlete and is smart when approaching his training. Strong guy and great all around athlete. Riley, so glad you found us!
135-155-185-195 for both (on a slip n’ slide!)
31+11 rx w/ Dylan
26+9 Rx with my man Jason Morgan
Tried to kill me lol…. Always a good time with B-rad!
a) 75-75-95-115-135-145-155-175
b) 22+9 Rx w Doug & Dan
20 + 10 Rx Weight / step ups with S. Campos