WOD: A. Tempo Back Squats & Speed Back Squats: 6 sets of 5 reps, E2:30MOM Set 1: Tempo Set 2: Speed B. Speed Rounds, Each For Time: Round 1: 250m row — 16 thrusters — 16 pull-ups rest 2 minutes Round 2: 250m row — 16 power cleans — 16 ring dips rest 2 minutes Round 3: 500m row — 11 thrusters — 11 pull-ups rest 2 minutes Round 4: 500m row — 11 power cleans — 11 ring dips Choose From: 75/55, 95/65, 115/80, 135/95 List load and each round’s time. Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. Feb 22 To place an order, click here. REMINDER: Informational meeting about The OPEN this Saturday at 11am. This meeting is for anyone interested and/or planning on participating in The OPEN. Please make an effort to attend, particularly if you have not participated in The OPEN before or have not participated in The OPEN at CFHSV.