WOD: A. In 15 minutes, build up to a 1RM of: 1 front squat to 1 push press/jerk B. 5 minute AMRAP of: 30 double unders 7 front squats 135/95 (55 and over 95/65) 7 HSPU or 7 push press/push jerks 135/95 (55 and over 95/65) rest 3 minutes 4 minute AMRAP of: 30 double unders 7 front squats 135/95 (55 and over 95/65) 7 HSPU or 7 push press/push jerks 135/95 (55 and over 95/65) rest 2 minutes 3 minute AMRAP of: 30 double unders 7 front squats 135/95 (55 and over 95/65) 7 HSPU or 7 push press/push jerks 135/95 (55 and over 95/65) Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. dec 21 Click here to place an order.