Warm-up: 10 Minute of agility and ladder drills 3 rounds: 5 PVC Pass throughs 5 PVC Overhead squats Workout: A. Run – 1 mile for time. Rest 15 Minutes B. In honor of “Jeremy” Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of: 95 pound Overhead squats Burpees Keegan Martin 3:53 (age 17), Duncan Martin 7:05 (45lbs, age 12), Jack Marks7:23 (45lbs, age 12). Post time to comments. Compare to 080725. Reminder: This Saturday at 11:00 we will be conducting the first CFHSV Black Shirt Club Test! Afterwards will be a barbeque and get together for all members of CFHSV. If you plan on attending either, please sign up ASAP!