“Big Sexy” HERO WOD
5 Rounds For Time:
6 Deadlifts 315/215 MRX 225/155
6 Burpees
5 Cleans 225/155 MRX 155/105
5 Chest to Bar
4 Thrusters 155/105 MRX 115/75
4 Muscle-Ups (ring or bar) MRX 4 Chest to Bar 4 Dips
*Athletes responsible for load changes*
Sgt. Lance “Big Sexy” McLean, 38, of Biloxi, Mississippi, died on June 29, 2013, from a gunshot wound he sustained in the line of duty on June 28, 2013. Prior to his death, McLean served as a Sergeant with the Sheriff’s Office, and as a member of the SWAT Team in Hood County, Texas. He is survived by his wife, Katy; and two children, Abigail and Quinton.
First posted March 9, 2015