Workout & Benchmarks: “Lynne” Five rounds for max reps of: Body weight bench press Pull-ups Dave Lipson: 32/40-25/40-20/41-24/39-22/30 at 205lbs. Austin Malleolo: 23/43-18/43-13/33-13/26-12/20 at 165lbs. Spencer Hendel: 13/47-11/40-9/41-8/36-7/27 at 210lbs. James Hobart: 16/46-13/45-10/40-9/22-8/27 at 175lbs. Danny Nichols: 21/36-16/30-12/33-10/30-8/34 at 240lbs. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds. Compare to 110415. SnoRidge CrossFit, CrossFit Belltown, Imperial CrossFit, Compound Fitness and CrossFit Devotion team up to complete Fight Gone Bad 6. “Behind the Scenes: Part 8” by Sevan Matossian, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] CrossFit Kids at CrossFit Old Town complete Fight Gone Bad 6 – video [wmv] [mov]