WOD: A. Clean & Jerk Cluster: “Perplexed Power” by DB 1 power clean to 1 push press to 1 hang power clean to 1 power jerk to 1 power clean to 1 split jerk E3MOM x 5 sets B. 6 rounds for time of: 6 clean and jerk 145/100 RX+ 175/120 (MRX 105/70) 36 double unders C. Overhead Development: 200m double KB or DB overhead walk 1 minute handstand hold on wall or freestanding 20 double KB or DB seated strict press CFHSV Running & Endurance WOD: 3 rounds for time of: 600m run 200m Kettlebell carry 400m run 200m Kettlebell carry Advanced Gymnastics Open Workshop TODAY from 11am-12pm!Counts as a regular visit for Gold and Silver, $15 for Bronze.