Continuous Running Clock For Max Reps:
– Run /Row 200m or Bike 0.5k
– 10 WallBall Sit-ups
– to MAX Power Cleans 115/75lbs RX+ 155/105 MRX 75/55
2:00-3:00 REST
– Run /Row 200m or Bike 0.5km
– 10 WallBall Sit-ups
– to MAX Shoulder to Overhead
5:00-6:00 REST
– Run /Row 400m or Bike 1k
– 15 Over the Bar Burpees
– 20 WallBall Sit-ups
– to MAX Power Cleans
10:00-12:00 REST
– Run /Row 400m or Bike 1km
– 15 WallBall Sit-ups
– 20 Hang Cleans
– to MAX Shoulder to Overhead
16:00-18:00 REST
For Time: (10min cap)
10 Power Clean
20 Over the Bar Burpees
10 Hang Cleans
20 WallBall Sit-ups 20/14lbs MRX 20/10lbs
10 Shoulder to Overhead
400m Row or Run or 1k Bike
800m run
Rest 1:00
800m run
Rest 1:30
800m run
Rest 2:00
800m run
Rest 2:30
800m run
Goal is to keep splits as close as possible while giving 85% effort each time. Every second off the original time is a burpee penalty
61 / 6:11 rx (row; 15-20-10-16)
A. 65 reps rx
B. 5:27 rx
48 reps / 6:40 RX
A. 93 RX (row)
B. 4:50 RX (row)
A. 69 Rx (row) (23-22-5-19)
B. 5:44 Rx
50(12-18-5-15)/5:57 rx bike
91 Rx (row)
4:48 Rx (row)
Matthew (my oldest son) and I tackled the Rogue Challenge 1000LB Club in Open Gym today. Andrew took our video submissions.
Josh: 275# bench (PR) + 355# back squat (PR) + 375# deadlift (PR) = 1005 lbs. Age 51.
Matthew: 205# bench + 375# back squat + 465# deadlift = 1045 lbs. Age 23
Note: I weighed in at 222lbs this morning, heaviest ever. By contrast, I was 172lbs at start line of Western States 100 in 2011.
A lot of time on travel lately then the weight room.Looking forward to getting to more classes in 2024 and shedding some of my insulation!
That’s awesome man, Good work!
52 run run row row
6:18 rx row
Those 20 burpees liked to killed me
71/5:11 Rx