“Santa’s Helpers” by DB
For Time: (40min cap)
Elves’ Helen
2 Rounds:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kgs RX+32/24 MRX 20/12
12 Pull-ups
Elves’ Angie
50 Pull-ups MRX Ring Rows
50 Push-ups
50 Sit-ups
50 Air Squats
Elves’ Kelly
2 Rounds:
400m Run
30 WallBall Shots 20/14lbs to 10’ MRX 20/10 to 9
30 Box Jumps 24/20″ RX+ 30/24″ MRX 20/18″
*Athletes can pick the order they want to help Santa*
Christmas Holiday Schedule!
Saturday 12/24: Classes at 8am and 9am only. We will NOT have childcare.
Sunday 12/25: closed — Merry Christmas CFHSV!
Monday 12/26: closed
Tuesday 12/27 – Friday 12/30: regular schedule
Saturday 12/31: 8am, 9am, 10am only. We will not have childcare.
Sunday 1/1: closed — Happy New Year CFHSV!