Warm-up: 400 Meter run Instructor led warm up Workout: “21 Guns – A Memorial Salute” Partner #1: 21 Pull-ups 21 Burpee Box Jumps (20″ Rxd) 21 Firemans Carry Back Squat 21 Burpee Box Jumps 21 Pull-Ups Partner #2 executes Partner #1 again Partner #2 again The 21 reps signify a 21 gun salute, the 5 exercises are one for each Branch of the Military. Executing with a Partner signifies the bonds we aim to create between our Nation’s Warriors and the communities they grow in and return to, and doing it twice reflects the fact that we honor both the living and the deceased. As we are still getting to know each other, we feel it important to share with you our goals for this event, with the hopes that you share these as well:
- Help people remember and observe Memorial Day in a respectful, reflecting, meaningful way.
- Create a window of opportunity to improve communication between Communities and their Veterans to foster understanding.
- Use this shared experience to build bonds that are restorative to Veterans and their communities.
WOD for Warriors
REMINDER: There will only be a 9:00 class today! We hope everyone can come out to support Team RWB by taking on this great workout.