Athlete’s Choice
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
300-meter row
10 deadlifts
50 double -unders
RX ages 16-54: 185/125
RX ages 14-15: 115/75
RX ages 55+: 135/95
Scaled ages 16-54: 135/95, single unders
Scaled ages 14-15 and 55+: 95/65 single unders
4 Rounds For Time: (35min cap)
400m Run
12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups MRX Pull-Ups
12 Single Arm Devil’s Press (6 each arm) 50/35lbs MRX 35/20lbs
12 Goblet Squats
100m Dumbbell Carry
OPEN ATHLETES — Don’t forget to submit your score for 24.2 no later than 5pm tonight!
34:12 rx (brief pause to tell Misty about my Ouchy)
24.2: 8+15 rx
3/8/24: 7+20 rx
Wow–way to go CJ!
My man Brayden! Brayden has been an awesome addition to CFHSV and specifically in the 5am. He’s polite, humble, hard working, and making big gains quickly. Keep up the consistent work young stud!
24.2, take 2: 810 rx (9 rnds)
Brayden! This guy has been all in since the day he walked through the door! He has quickly made himself at home with the morning crew and even signed up for the Open after a tiny bit of encouragement! Brayden is a great guy, has a great attitude and is always coachable. So glad he found us and now calls CFHSV his home!