“Barbell Brawl” by DB
For Time: (16min cap)
250m Row or 0.6km Assault Bike or 200m Run
10 Shoulder to Overhead
250m Row or 0.6km Assault Bike or 200m Run
15 Hang Power Cleans
250m Row or 0.6km Assault Bike or 200m Run
20 Back Squats
250m Row or 0.6km Assault Bike or 200m Run
25 Deadlifts
250m Row or 0.6km Assault Bike or 200m
Run Loads = 155/105 RX+205/135 MRX 135/95
Grip/Core Development
1min Right Side Plank Hold
1min High Plank Hold
1min Left Side Plank Hold
1min Low Plank Hold
100m Plate Pinch Carry to Max Plate Pinch Curls
100m KB/DB Farmers Carry to max Bottom’s Up Curls
The OPEN kicks off Thursday, March 11th with the release of 21.1, the first Open WOD! Join hundreds of thousand other CrossFitters around the world and get signed up today! Choose CrossFit Huntsville as your affiliate, and we will add you to our CFHSV Team.
Learn more about the Open here!