WOD: A. Tempo strict press and speed strict press E2:30MOM 6 sets x 5 reps set 1 = tempo set 2 = 5 speed strict press B. For time: 100 double unders or 50 barbell ski/mogul jumps 21 front squats 115/75 (55 and over 85/55) 21 push press 115/75 (55 and over 85/55) 100 double unders or 50 barbell ski/mogul jumps 15 front squats 15 push press 100 double unders or 50 barbell ski/mogul jumps 9 front squats 9 push press C. Core Development 100, 75, or 50 butterfly ab-mat sit-ups 2 minute low plank hold Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. FEb 29 To place an order, click here! The OPEN starts this week! Sign up at games.crossfit.com and choose CrossFit Huntsville as your affiliate and team.REMINDER: Our Friday 915am, 515pm and 615pm classes as well as Barbell Club are canceled during the five weeks of The OPEN.