WOD: A. In 15 minutes, build up to a 20RM deadlift B. 4 rounds for time of: 15 calorie row RX+ 20 calorie row (55 and over 10 calorie row) 10 deadlift 275/185 RX+ 315/215 (55 and over 225/155) 15 toes to bar RX+ 20 toes to bar (55 and over 10 toes to bar) Congratulations to our CFHSV Team who placed second at The Big Nasti weightlifting competition this past Saturday! Together, they lifted a total of 3,225 pounds! Awesome work by all team members, and a special congratulations to the following athletes who won their respective lifts:Kyle Otte: clean & jerk: cleared the ladder then successfully lifted 350#!Heath Sharp: bench press: cleared the ladder, then successfully lifted 405#!Jamie Flynt: deadlift: cleared the ladder, then successfully lifted 400#!And a BIG THANK YOU to all those who came out to cheer on this strong team! CrossFit Huntsville always shows up to show their love and support for their fellow athletes!Our February CF101 Course starts this Tuesday, February 2nd at 715pm!