WOD: A. Strict Press: Build up for a 20RM 10 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 20RM attempt E2:30MOM B. 3 minute AMRAP of: 10 pull-ups RX+ chest to bar 10 push press 115/80 X+ 155/105 (55 and over 95/65) max calorie row rest 3 minutes 3 minute AMRAP of: 15 calorie row 10 push press 115/80 RX+ 155/105 (55 and over 95/65) max reps pull-ups RX+ chest to bar rest 3 minutes 3 minute AMRAP of: 10 pull-ups RX+ chest to bar 10 push press 115/80 X+ 155/105 (55 and over 95/65) max calorie row Score = total of max calories and max pull-ups combined