Warm-up: 10 minutes of ladder, agility, and COD drills Workout: Ten rounds, each for time of: 100 meter Sprint Rest 90 seconds Post times for each round to comments. Compare to 110308. NOTE: All rounds must be within 2 seconds of each other! Every second over constitutes a 5 burpee penalty to be enforced after the workout! Cool-down: Partner Heelcords! Powerlifting: A1: High Bar Back Squat 5 x 3-4 @30×1; Rest 2:00 A2: Barbell Good Morning 5 x 5-7 @2121; Rest 2:00 B: Clean and Jerk – Find a 1RM C1: Reverse Hypers 4 x 10; Rest 1:00 C2: GHD Sit-ups 4 x 20; Rest 1:00 “Making Atlas Stones With Rob Orlando”, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] “Hitting a PR” with Coach Mike Burgener – video [wmv] [mov]