Overhead Lunge (alt legs) E3MOM
10 – 5 – 5 – 20
*Going for 20rep max*
9min AMRAP:
48 Double Unders or 18 Box Jumps 24/20”
12 Overhead Lunges (alt legs) MRX 20/18”
Barbell Weights = 75/55lbs RX+95/65 MRX 45/35
Core & Squat Development
20 WallBall V-Ups (switch ball from hands to feet)
40 Bulgarian Split Squats (20 ea) w/Dumbbells
20 GHD Sit-ups
40 Cossack Squats (20 ea)
20 Weight Plate Ground to Overhead 55/45 45/35 35/25lbs
40 Jumping Lunges (alt legs in air)