Weighted Pull-Ups & Muscle-Ups E2MOM
5 to 8 Strict Weighted Pull-Ups (bar or rings)
4 to 7 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (bar or rings)
3 to 9 Muscle-Ups (bar or rings)
3 to 9 Muscle-Ups (bar or rings)
4 to 8 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Up (bar or rings)
5 to 10 Strict Weighted Pull-Ups (bar or rings)
21-15-9 Reps for Time: (15min cap)
Hang Squat Clean 135/95 MRX 115/75
Muscle-Ups (bar or rings) MRX Chest to Bar
Core Development
25 Evil Wheels
25 Back Extensions
25 V-Ups
25 Hip Extensions
1min Bar or Ring Hang