“Teamwork Total” 10min Establish a 1RM Deadlift 10min Establish a 1RM Bench Press 10min Establish a 1RM Back Squat 10min to Establish a 1RM Snatch *Work in buddy teams during each 10min increment to hit your 1RM for the day in each of the 4 lifts *This Total can be done in any order the buddy team decides, but they must both be working on same lift together. *Each lift must be completed in 10 Minutes, then immediately move to next. Strict adherance to time for class completion and fairness. *Combine all 4 lifts to create each athlete’s Total (scored individually, just team up to help load/unload and spot/etc)
Our Annual Barbells For Boobs event is THIS Saturday, October 27th at 9AM! Help CFHSV repeat for the fourth year in a row as Alabama State Champions! Get registered today and start fundraising!!