Hang Power Snatch Build Up – – E2MOM
8 – 4 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1
2 Rounds For Time: (20min cap)
10 Overhead Squats 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20” RX+30/24 MRX20/18
20 Hang Power Snatch
10 Thrusters
10 Toes to Bar
20 Box Jumps
10 Chest to Bar RX+ Bar Muscle Ups MRX Pull-ups
Core & Overhead Development
2×10 Skin the Cats
2×10 One Arm KB/DB Power Snatch (20ea)
100m Double KB/DB Overhead Walk
1min Plank Bird Dog Hold Left/Right
2×10 V-Ups Hollow Hold
1min Plank Bird Dog Hold Right/Left
1min Barbell Overhead Squat Hold 1” over WallBall
a) 95(8) – 125 (4) – 145(2) – 155(2) – 165(1) – 170(1)/175(1)
b) 14:56 Rx
A. 95-115-135-155-165-175
B. 15:28 rx
C. Basically Complete
11:50 rx
12:06 Rx+
14:41 RX+
A. 180
B. 17:45 rx+
worked on overhead squat stability, 75#
13:18 scaled: 115# front squats, 24″ box, 115# hpc, 115# fs, 10 knees to chest, strict pull ups
A. 205
B. 12:10 RX+