Team WOD
For Time:
1600m Run
1200m ROW
100 Double Unders
75 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12
50 Partner WallBall Sit-ups 20/14 MRX 14/10
40 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Ground to Overhead 115/75 RX+ 145/100 MRX 95/65
20 Chest to Bar RX+ 20 Bar Muscle-Ups MRX 20 Pull-ups
10 Front Squats
*2 per Team, Both can work at same time to accumulate reps and distance, must do WB Sit-Ups together. Team can alternate reps or work differently, just have to complete all reps. Equipment per team; 1 Rower, 2 Barbells, 2 Kettlebells, 2 Wallballs, and 2 Jump Ropes*
Core & Chest Development
1min L-Sit Hold on rings/dip bar/parallettes
20 DB Bench Press
20 Band Pull Aparts across Chest
1min High Plank Hold
Limited Schedule Today:
815am, 915am and 1130am classes only today plus 1015am Open Gym
All other classes are canceled.