WOD: A. EMOM x 6 minutes even = 2 power snatch odd = 2 hang squat snatch rest 3 minutes, adjust weights… EMOM x 6 minutes even = 1 power snatch odd = 1 hang squat snatch B. 12 minute AMRAP of: 6 handstand push-ups RX+ 6 strict HSPU (55 and over 4″ rise) 6 dips (bar or ring) RX+ bar muscle-ups 6 split power snatch 115/75 RX+ 135/95 (55 and over 85/60) C. Core & Skill Development 25-50 dumbbell power snatch alternating arms each rep or 25-50 kettle bell hang snatch 25-50 hip extensions Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. April 4 To place an order, click here! REMINDER: Free Nutrition Class this Saturday at 9am.Barbell Club will start back on Sunday at 1pm!