Warm-up: 400 Meter row then 2 Rounds: Kettlebell complex 5 Deadlifts 5 SDHP 5 Kettlebell swings 5 Goblet squats 5 Kettlebell push ups Workout: Five rounds for time of: 135 pound Deadlift, 9 reps 135 pound Hang power snatch, 6 reps 135 pound Overhead squat, 3 reps Jason Khalipa 3:01, Josh Everett 3:29, Nate Beard 4:03, Kristan Clever3:50 (95lbs), Katie Hogan 5:04 (95lbs), Miranda Oldroyd 5:06 (95lbs). Post time to comments. WOD Demo from the Level 1 Course at CrossFit By Overload – video [wmv] [mov]