Overhead Squat Build Up — E2MOM
10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 – 1
Main Site Benchmark WOD
5 Rounds For Time: (25min cap)
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95/65 MRX 75/55
*compare to Aug 9 2024, Aug 13 2023*
Core & Squat Development
-2×15 Cossack Squats (Left leg)
-2×10 Skin the Cats
-2×15 Cossack Squats (Right leg)
-2×10 One Arm KB/DB Power Snatch
-100m Double KB/DB Overhead Walk
-2×10 V-Ups
-1min Barbell Overhead Squat Hold 1” over WallBall
-2×20 Pistols or Pistol Scales (10 each leg)
-1min Wall Iron Chair Sit Holding 25/15/10lb plate
Join us to celebrate another successful OPEN at CFHSV THIS FRIDAY, March 21st!
8am-10am: Coffee and Donuts
5pm: Beer and Pizza
6pm: Live announcement from The Magic City Games! Come watch CFHSV athletes Alex Ankrom and CJ “Champ” Van Kampen throw down CFHSV style!