Death by Deadlift EMOM x 10min
1 rep 1st min, 2 reps 2nd min, 3 reps 3rd min… up to 10 reps at 10min
“Pick a Challenging weight, yet achievable”
MainSite WOD (RX+)
EMOM for As Long as Possible: (15min cap)
3 Over the Ball Burpees
7 Pull-ups RX+ Chest to Bar MRX Ring Row
11 WallBall Shots 20/14lbs to 10/9′ MRX 20/10 to 9′
*Workout is over when you fail to complete the work within the minute or at the 15min cap*
Core Development
10 Weighted Sit-ups
20 WallBall or KettleBell Russian Twists
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Calorie Ski Erg or 40 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Pullovers
20 WallBall or KettleBell Russian Twists
20 Hip Extensions
10 Weighted Sit-ups
a) 265
b)3+10 Rx [4 more rounds E2MOM]
Death by DL @315
All 15 min complete Rx+
Wow!! You are amazing!!
Leif Erikson by Interpol
A. 255 across
B. 😀 (Disney World)
C. Complete
6 rx then 4 or 5 more in the remaining time
185 across
5+10 rx🥵
0 lbs across
8 RX+ [ no additional rounds completed ]
Angie always showing up with a smile and killing it!
225 across
3+16 rx, resumed as an amrap for the rest of the time.
8+15 rx
A. 235
B. 11+14 RX+