Back Squat Build-up — E3MOM
10 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 1
“Abe’s Abilities” by DB
For Time: (25min cap)
800m Run/ROW or 2km Bike
25 Pull-ups MRX Ring Rows
5 Overhead Squats 135/95lbs MRX 95/65lbs
600m ROW/Run or 1.5km Bike (opposite)
15 Chest to Bar MRX Pull-ups
15 Front Squats
400m ROW/Run or 1km Bike (opposite)
5 Muscle Ups (ring or bar) MRX Chest to Bar
25 Back Squats
Core & Squat Development
2×15 Cossack Squats (Left leg)
2×15 Cossack Squats (Right leg)
2×10 Seated Box Jumps
2×20 Pistols or Pistol Scales (10 each leg)
2×15 Back Extensions
1min Wall Iron Chair Sit Holding 25/15/10lb plate
Love this picture of Fleming! Never underestimate the strength of this woman. She is amazingly strong inside & out!
Love this picture of Fleming! This woman is amazingly strong inside & out–I learned a long time ago to never underestimate her strength!
A. 135-185-225-275-305(x)
B. 22:39 scaled life 🚴♂️🚣♂️🚴♂️ (fs, c2b)
C. 🎒
B. 19:17rx
17:22 scaled ohs to front squat, bike row bike
15:34 rx (row, bike, row & RMU)
14:39 rx ( bar mu’s / row, run, row )
A. 385
B. 14:18 rx (row, bike, row / rings)
17:21 Rx rings, 🏍 🚣♀️ 🏍
11:37 Rx RMU, Row-Run-Row
That’s just crazy 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
20:11 rx row, run, row. RMU
A. 405
B. 21:08 @ 135, all squats unbroken, but scaled to: 5 Front Squats, 15 Front Squats, 25 Back Squats, 25 Ring Rows, 15 Chest to Bar, 5 Chest to Bar
A. Training FS 115-135-145-165-195
B. : )
A: 135(10)-185(5)-255(3)-280(2)-300
B: 13:38, RX (Bike-Run-Bike, BMU)
12:18 Rx row-bike-row RMU
A. Front squat — 190
B. 14:34 RX but did front squats for last set instead of back squats, row/bike/row, ring MU