Warm-up: Spend 5 mintues BEFORE class and the first 5 minutes of class on a generic warm-up. Row/Run, light squat cleans, shoulder presses, etc…
Workout: “Santiago” Seven rounds for time of: 35 pound Dumbbell hang squat clean, 18 reps 18 Pull-ups 135 pound Power clean, 10 reps 10 Handstand push-ups Rob Orlando 28:59, Kristan Clever 39:33 (as Rx’d), Rebecca Voigt 46:21 (as Rx’d), Katie Hogan 70:20 (as Rx’d). Post time to comments.
Cool-down: Spend as much class time left rolling out with a foam roller to the lats, quads, and lower back
Powerlifting: A. Push-jerk; Rest 2:30 x 4 B1: Barbell bent over row 5 x 12 @2121; Rest 10 seconds B2: Ring push-ups amrap -2 x 5 @1111; Rest 30 seconds C: For time – 1-5 Chest to bar pull-up ladder x 5
WOD Demo with Rob Orlando – video [wmv] [mov]