Warm-up: 10 skin the cats followed by 10 minutes of practice on the muscle-up transition Workout: Three rounds for time of: 12 Muscle-ups 75 Squats Austin Malleolo 7:40, Kristan Clever 9:31, Pat Sherwood 10:43, Miranda Oldroyd 14:13, David Shanahan 14:13, Rebecca Voigt 16:50. Post time to comments. Cool-down: 10 minutes of dynamic ROM hip drills Powerlifting: 3 x 5 Ring dips 3 x 5 Pull-ups Dynamic Effort Bench press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 3 x 10 Dumbbell shoulder press 3 x 15 Barbell bent over row 5 minute AMRAP of wall walks “CrossFit for Athletic Performance: Part 2” with Chip Pugh and Rich Froning Jr., CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] “Game Time” – video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov] WOD Demo with Pat Sherwood and Miranda Oldroyd – video [wmv] [mov]