Warm-up: 400 Meter row then Instructor led 400 meter agility run followed by agility/flexibility work inside Workout: Back Squat 3-3-3 Moving up in weight if possible each round Then…. 8 Sets: 400 Meter run @85% effort 200 Meter walk recovery Powerlifting: A. Squat Snatch 3 x 7 TnG reps for load; Rest 3:00 B1. Snatch grip deadlift 3-2-2-1 @2131; Rest 2:00 B2. Weighted ring dip 3-2-2-1 @22×2; Rest 2:00 C. Srict toes to bar 4 x 10-15 reps; Rest as needed between efforts “Teaching The Snatch” with Josh Everett by Again Faster Equipment – video [wmv] [mov]