Warm-up: 15 seconds of pvc pipe OHS, 15 seconds of handstand hold, 15 seconds of push-ups, 15 seconds of walking lunges. Rest 45 seconds x 4 Workout: Starting with an empty barbell: Take 6 minutes to find a 1RM OHS Take 2 minutes to complete as many back squats as possible at 185/155# Rest 10 minutes 10 minute AMRAP: 12 Wall ball shots 20/14# 5 GTOH 155/105# Cool-down: Instructor led group stretch Powerlifting: CGBP 5 x 15-20 @ 10×1; Rest 2 minutes Ring dips 3 x 8 @ 20×0; Rest 1 minute 3 Handstand push-ups every minute on the minute for 10 minutes A1: Face pulls 3 x 15 @ 2121; Rest 10 seconds A2: GHD sit-ups 3 x 10; Rest 30 seconds “The Position: Part 7 – The Ring Dip” with Kelly Starrett and Carl Paoli,CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] CrossFit Affiliates commercial from the CrossFit Games on ESPN2 – video [wmv] [mov]