Warm-up: 2 Minutes of jump rope followed by 3 Rounds: 5 PVC pass throughs 10 Squats 5 No push up inch worms 10 Kipping swings Workout:“Athlete’s Choice” 2 Rounds of: 500 Meter row 400 Meter run 30 Hand release push ups 20 Pull ups Post time to comments. *Athletes can choose to do movements in any order and can be different each round but the athlete must complete the total # of reps Rx’d for that movement before moving on. Powerlifting: A. Push Press- Find a 1RM; Rest as needed between efforts B. 30 HSPU for time. C. DB external rotation- Build to a 8RM/arm @30×0; Rest as needed between efforts D. DB Powell Raise- Build to a 8RM/arm @30×0; Rest as needed between efforts “Be Your Own Bodyguard Part 3: In-Action” with Tony Blauer, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] “The Invisible Made Visible In A Track Athlete” with Kelly Starrett – video [wmv] [mov]