Front Squat E3MOM 8 – 4 – 6 – 2 – Max Reps 4min AMRAP: 8 Front Squats 95/65 RX+125/85 MRX 75/55 4 Bar Muscle-Ups or 8 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups REST 2min 3min AMRAP: 6 Power Cleans 3 Ring Muscle-Ups or 6 Chest to Bar REST 2min 2min AMRAP: 4 Hang Squat Cleans 2 Bar or Ring Muscle-Ups or 4 Chest to Bar Core & Single Leg Development 10 Pistols Each Leg or 10 Scaled Pistols 20 Crunches to 15 V ups to 10 Crunches to 5 V-Ups 10 Reverse Lunges with 2 KBs in Front Rack 2 sets 10-15 reps weighted Hip Extension with 2 second pause at top