Build Up E2MOM
10 Strict Press – 7 Push Press
5 Strict Press – 3 Push Press
1 Jerk – 1 Jerk – 1 Jerk
5 Rounds For Time or 1 Round For Time: (15min cap)
3 (15) Handstand Push-Ups or 1 (5) Wall Walks
6 (30) Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 RX+165/115 MRX 95/65
9 (45) Dips RX+ Ring
12 (60) Push-Ups
15 (75) Box Jumps 24/20” RX+30/24 MRX 20/18
Core & Handstand Walk Development
20 Plank Shoulder Taps
25 Weighted Sit-Ups (Heavy)
1min Handstand Hold
25 Back Extensions
10 Wall Facing Handstand Shoulder Taps
50′ to 150’ HS Walk or Partner Wheelbarrel Walk
Wednesday, November 22: Regular schedule through the 11:30am class, ALL AFTERNOON CLASSES CANCELLED.
Thursday, November 23: All classes cancelled. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Friday, November 24: Three classes at 8am, 9am, and 10am. All other classes cancelled. We will NOT have childcare.
Saturday, November 25: Annual Iron Bowl WOD at 8am, 9am and 10am. All other classes and Open Gym cancelled. We will NOT have childcare.
Sunday, November 26: regular schedule