Bench Press Max E3MOM
5 to 10 – 3 to 5 – 1 to 2 – 1 – 1 – 1
21-15-9 Rounds For Time:
Handstand Push-Ups MRX 2/4″ Rise
Ring Dips MRX Bar Dips
In honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA who was killed in Afghanistan June 2005.
“My husband was a warrior and a man who believed his purpose in life was to defend the freedoms that each of us enjoy today.” Erin Taylor
Core & Chest Development
25 Barbell or Banded Good Mornings
25 DB/KB Bench Press
25 Reverse Rower Tucks
25 Band Pull Aparts across Chest