Congratulations CFHSV! 2019 Big NASTI Second Place!
Mary Helen Saunders: 160lb. snatch (1st Place)
Tyler Layne: 255lb. snatch (2nd place tie)
Melody Adair: 215lb. clean & jerk (2nd Place)
Dustin Adair: 330lb. clean & jerk (1st Place)
Heather Crocker: 195lb. bench press (1st Place)
Brent Brewer: 410lb. bench press (2nd place)
Jill Crosby: 285lb. back squat
Bill Gifford: 400lb. back squat
Jamie Flynt: 430lb. deadlift (1st Place)
TJ Smith: 600lb. deadlift (2nd place)
Bench Press build up for 10 Rep Max E3MOM
5/10 – 5 – 2/3 – 1/2 – 10
14min AMRAP:
42 Double Unders or 14 Box Jumps 24/20″
7 Barbell Push-Ups
14 Deadlifts 155/105lbs RX+ 185/125 MRX 115/75
7 Hang Power Clean
**can intermix the Box Jumps and Dpubles, i.e. one round BJ and next Doubles**
YOGA is canceled today.