WOD: A. Push Press: 5 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 3 E3MOM B. 12 minute AMRAP of: 7 hang power cleans 115/80 RX+ 155/105 (MRX 95/65) 9 box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″ (MRX 20″/18″) 11 WBS 20/14 10’/9′ RX+ 20/14 11’/10′ (MRX 20/10 9′) C. Core & Shoulder Development: 7 hollow rocks to 5 V-ups to 7 hollow rocks 150′ alligator crawl 7 hollow rocks to 5 V-ups to 7 hollow rocks 1 minute handstand hold on wall or freestanding or 10 shoulder taps in handstand position Check out Mason Dixon’s menu for next week. oct-3 To place an order, click here! Friday Night Fight this Friday at 515PM! Come ready to throw down! Childcare available starting at 445PM.Our regular 515pm and 615pm classes are canceled.Advanced Gymnastics Open Workshop: Saturday, Oct 1: 11am-12pm.